After two houses has been finished for workers in 2019, in January 2020, Westfood continuously accomplished and delivered the third house to poor workers. As a […]
Being the first company in Vietnam to successfully cultivate the variety MD2 pineapple, of which weight is 1.2kg or more. This kind of fruit is tasty, […]
As one of the leading and reputable companies in the field of exporting canned fruits of Vietnam, at this Aguna Fair, Westfood has continued to promote […]
In the morning of June 16, 2019, Westfood organized the Grateful Employee Ceremony to reach the 5-year, 10-year, 15-year working anniversary at the company as well […]
Being one of the leading canned fruit export companies in Vietnam, success of Westfood nowsaday comes from the spririt of a strong united and sticked team […]
As one of the prestigious and well- known canning fruit companies with Korean partners, the presence of Westfood at Seoul Food Fair 2019 has affirmed the […]
Being the first company in Vietnam to grow successfully MD2 pineapple, Westfood is gradually developing MD2 pineapple planting project on a large scale. Pineapple is a […]
With over 27 years of operation in the sector of canned and frozen fruits export, by presenting at international fairs, Westfood is striving to strengthen its […]